Georgetown University MSF Open House – October 8th

The Georgetown University MSF program is in full swing and holding information sessions for those interested in applying for admissions. I’d been to one on campus and find it very useful. You get to see where you’d study, meet the people who will be teaching and admitting you and get a good sense of if you feel comfortable in the program.

The information session is October 8, 2016 – 12pm EST. Students are welcome to attend in person or virtually. Bonus for those who show up is that a football game will be going on that same night. Should make for a fun environment. For those who attended, whether in person or online, feel free to shoot me an email and let me know how it goes.

Georgetown University MSF Open House

Additionally, I am expecting an updated class profile from the school in the next month or so. Once I have that, I will make sure to share it with all of you. I am also told that more content on professional development as well as the Global Consulting project will be released. Stay tuned!

Here is a link to the Georgetown University MSF Program


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