Florida State Master in Finance Student Review

A gracious student has given me a student review for the Florida State Master in Finance program. I hope this helps anyone who is looking into a Florida based MSF program or anyone interested in FSU in general.

1) Can you talk about why you picked the FSU program?

I picked the Florida State University Master in Finance program after a long search of many other programs. What it really came down to was I am familiar with the faculty; the proximity to my home and most importantly it is a great value. Education wise the program was designed similar to some of the best programs in the country and I did not have to take out any school loans.

2) How is placement/jobs/the market in Florida, etc?

The program is new right now so there is not too much info on its placement; however it seems many of last year’s (1st year of program) students did find jobs. Most were not brand name banks but smaller investment firms based in Florida.

3) Who would you recommend the program to?

I would recommend this program to anybody living in Florida. I would say the nation, but I am not to sure how high out of state fees can be. However it may be worth contacting one of the department heads because there is financial aid.

4) Anything else that you would like to talk about?

Before choosing FSU I was taking a look at some the better known programs in the country. To say the least I found their curriculum very similar to FSU’s, and did not feel their placement was worth taking loans out for (except maybe MIT and other more math based programs). That said, FSU is not the first place most companies come to recruit so I know the job hunt will be alot of work. However there is a feeling within the program and the department that we have something to prove. This has created a very competitive environment which I know will pay dividends in the future.

Here is a link to the Florida State University Master in Finance program


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