I was checking out the University of Texas MSF programs website the other day and notices a bunch of new material I wanted to bring to everyones attention. This is one of the most popular programs in the US and has continued to impress me over the years. I get numerous messages on this program and figured all of you would appreciate an update post. Well here it is! I will try and make this one of the schools I update more frequently.
Class Profile
Something nice about the UT program is I have tracked the class profiles over the last coupe of years. Below is a chart showing this years profile as well as the previous two. Should give a good idea of how things have held up over the years and how you stack up.
Some thoughts. It is great to see UT be able to maintain a good class size over the years. Seems like the average GMAT/GRE has been declining, but I don’t think that is a big deal. I could not find the average GPA, but I would assume that it is following the same trend. The program is still mainly domestic (93%) which is impressive since they have a larger class size. Work experience has increased to almost 2 years, which is what I focused on the most. If you are an early career individual interested in a MSF, the UT program looks incredibly attractive.
Career Outcomes
The program has updated salary information if you go to the McCombs career center website. Had to do some digging so I will mention this to UT when I speak to them. 2020 MSF graduates had an average starting salary of $71,109. Previously, career outcomes had an average of $70,150 (although I am unsure which year they are highlight – I believe it is 2018 or 2019). For 2020 the low salary was $45K and the high was $95K. Keep in mind this doesn’t include signing bonus or final all in compensation. Anyone going into investment banking or a similar field should see all in much higher.
I am still trying to find a full listing of who has hired Texas MSF students, but in the meantime, the website lists some hiring employers to give you an idea of where students go to work once they graduate:
- Credit Suisse
- Deloitte
- EY
- Goldman Sachs
- Dimensional Fund Advisors
- JP Morgan
- Wells Fargo
To anyone interested in applying to this amazing program, there is still time. Applications are being accepted up until May 16, 2022. Unfortunately, the deadline for international applicants has passed, but there is still two more rounds for domestic applications. If you have questions, reach out to the admissions office, but you can also sign up for a virtual information sessions.
- Round 3 – March 28, 2022
- Round 4 – May 16, 2022
One thing to note, the program has a COVID-19 test waiver process for anyone unable to take the GMAT/GRE because of COVID. I would imagine this is nearing the end so if this fits your circumstances, you might not need to take a standardized test as part of your package.
Also, there are a number of upcoming information sessions. They are offered in person as well as online. You can find them at the link below.
Sign up for the above sessions here.
There is your update for the UT MSF program. Lots going on and I am working on finding out more information regarding placements as well as anything else going on with this program.
Here is a link to the University of Texas at Austin MSF Program