University of Wyoming Masters in Finance

The University of Wyoming Masters in Finance program is a quieter MSF and one that I haven’t written much about. I posted a very brief write up ages ago when I first came across the degree, but figured it was time for a fulsome write up in case anyone was considering studying in Wyoming.


This is a flexible, online MSF for working professionals. Multiple start times and you can take up to two years to complete your studies. The GRE or GMAT is not requires and students can focus on a General Finance Track or CFP Track depending on their career desires.

Tuition is the same for residents and non-residents – $550/credit hour. The degree requires a minimum of 30 credit hours so total tuition is roughly $16,500. Not bad at all. There are both scholarships and assistantships available to help bring the cost of attendance down as well.

CFP Track

The Certified Financial Planner track is rather unique and something I have maybe seen a handful of times elsewhere. From the schools website:

Earn your board-registered master of finance and CFP graduate certificate at the same time, in as little as one year. The CFP graduate certificate from the University of Wyoming College of Business fulfills one of four ā€œEā€ requirements for earning the CFP professional certification from the CFP board.”

If you are looking for a career in wealth management, having the CFP is huge. Combining it was a masters degree, especially one that you can earn online and affordably, makes this a pretty interesting option. There are 8 specific classes you take for this and the remaining required classes are electives.


Not a lot that I could find, but on the main page the university mentions a few employers:

  • Mesa Natural Gas
  • Tata Chemicals
  • Western States Bank
  • Empower Retirement

They also mention a number of Local, State and Federal Agencies.

So there you go, that is the update for the Wyoming MSF. This isn’t going to be the ideal program for everyone, but someone looking for an economical, online MSF where you can also focus on financial planning might find this very interesting. If I can get any additional information on the program I will make sure to post another update.


Here is a link to the University of Wyoming Masters in Finance Program


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