Lehigh Masters in Management Orientation Website

Lehigh University MS in Management

There Lehigh Masters in Management program is a relatively new entrant to the specialized masters scene. It is always exciting to see a new school start up a program and great for the degree as a whole.The Lehigh program is a welcome addition as the university as a whole is very well regarded and located outside of Philadelphia and only an hour and a half from New York City.

The program has set up a wonderful orientation website which is great for current students and even better for those thinking about applying to the program for next year. It includes a class profile of all the students, things to expect during the program, and bios of speakers and staff members (a lot of professionals and executives). I think the site is pretty cool for admitted students.

Program admissions staff will be traveling to other universities to answer questions for interested students. I’ve included below the upcoming campus visits for anyone interested:

  • SEPTEMBER 14 – Haverford College
  • SEPTEMBER 15 – Bucknell University
  • SEPTEMBER 29 – Syracuse University
  • SEPTEMBER 30 – Cornell University

The website also has some featured student profiles for anyone to check out. This is their first year doing things so I expect more materials to become available as it matures and grows. Until then keep checking back and I will continue to post information as it comes out.

Here is a link to the Lehigh Masters in Management Program


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