The Ohio State University Master in Finance Program Student Review #2

The Ohio State University Master in Finance program continues to do well and I am luck enough to have another student review of the program. This is a more recent review than the original one so it should be reflective of any changes that have occurred since the program first began. I will continue to post any additional information as it comes available and look forward to hearing about another great year of the program. Hope this helps any of you interesting in attending!

1) Why did you pursue a Masters in Finance in general? Why at  Ohio State in particular?

When I was a year from finishing undergrad, I had no network and no big name behind me and knew that was a detriment for what I wanted to do. I was looking to get into equity research and needed that extra kick to get my foot in the door. I knew that I didn’t want an MBA and didn’t want to spend 2 more years in school. It knew that a specialized masters would give me that helping hand I needed.

When selecting my program, I felt that Ohio State had the sizable network of alumni that would help me in my job search. When I was deciding on the program, they did not happen to have any placement statistics, so I had to go off the reputation of the MBA and Undergrad focuses in finance, which seemed strong. The recruiting job the university did to get me here was also a major factor.

2) What were the Pros/Cons of the program in your opinion?


  • Very strong corporate finance network
  • The faculty has connections everywhere; you just have to network with them first
  • The wide range of focus: Risk Management, Investments and Corporate tracks
  • Faculty and Staff want to help


  • The Master in Finance has mostly a regional employer draw, if looking to NYC, you’ll have to do a lot of work
  • Winter – it was brutal this year
  • Program still being fine tuned
3) Who would you recommend the master in finance program to?
I would recommend the program to individuals who, like me, don’t have a strong name from undergrad behind them. Anyone looking to get into corporate finance, the network that The Ohio State University has is huge and will be of great benefit to you. The school is a regional powerhouse, so if living in the Midwest or want to work here, it’s a great spot to kick off.
4) Anything else that you want to talk about? Feel free to talk about recruiting, campus life, group projects, etc. Anything you want. 

There are 8 week projects where companies from around Ohio and other areas submit projects to the program, which we then work on and submit to them. Firms this year included JPMorgan Asset Management, Wells Fargo, GE Capital, Nationwide, and Worthington Industries. Also, Columbus is a great city to live in. Downtown is a great place to explore and you are only 2 hours away from any city in the state. Ohio State has all the sports for anyone who is interested in going and watching anything from volleyball and football to hockey and lacrosse. You could say it can make you nuts.


Here is a link to the Ohio State University Master in Finance Program


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