Ohio State Master in Finance Information

I spoke with Caroline Chao and Dr. Pinteris of the OSU Fisher School of Business about their brand new Master in Finance program starting Fall 2011. Needless to say I was very impressed and excited to share with all of you the details.


– There is going to be a strong link between the graduate office and the career office. This might sound like a small thing, but the coordination really is important. They stressed this. It is still being hashed out the specifics of OCR and how it will be staged, but this should be figured out soon and I will update this when I find out.


– It is going to be a generalist MSF. That means it will be along the traditional MSF track, not like a MFE program. There will be 4 specialized tracks.

  1. Corporate Finance w/ valuation
  2. Investment Management
  3. Risk Management (FRM prep)
  4. Real Estate


– The program is rolling out Autum 2011. There is going to be a heavy emphasis on software packages (Crystal Ball, couple modeling classes, Morningstar, real options, etc).

September start >>>>> 3 weeks of prep classes

Late September >>>>> December – Fall Semester

Early Jan >>>> March –  Winter Semester

March >>>> June – Spring Semester

This program would feasibly allow you to graduate, do a summer internship and then go right into the program. Nice idea.

It will be a cohort program for the first half. Everyone will take specific MSF classes with just the people in the cohort. Once this is complete people will break off and specialize. These classes will be with MBA students. No firm answer on the cohort size, but it will be midrange.

Recruits to the program will be students right out of UG and those with little work experience.


– for more information please contact Caroline at the below email:

Caroline Chao


Here is a link to the Ohio State University Master in Finance program



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