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Tag: Masters in Management

Lehigh University Masters in Management Program Update – November 2018

It has been a little while since I last updated everyone on the Lehigh University Masters in Management Program. Since I last wrote there have...

Lehigh University Masters in Management 2017 Placements

Lehigh University just posted their 2017 placement report and it looks as if the program continues to grow and improve. I posted information in...

Lehigh University Masters in Management Program Update – November 2017

It has been a while since I posted an update on the Lehigh University MiM program and there has been some interesting stuff to...

Notre Dame Masters in Management Student Review #2

The Notre Dame Masters in Management program is one of the top specialized masters program in the country and I've been trying to get...

University of Michigan Masters in Management Update

It has been a while since I last wrote about the University of Michigan Masters in Management program and I think it is time...

Notre Dame Masters in Management Update – October 2016

The Notre Dame Masters in Management program is in full swing with applications for the class of 2018, so I thought it would be...

Lehigh Masters in Management Orientation Website

There Lehigh Masters in Management program is a relatively new entrant to the specialized masters scene. It is always exciting to see a new school...

Lehigh University Masters in Management

The Lehigh University Masters in Management is a brand new MS in Management program for non-business students with limited work experience, who are looking to...

Duke University MMS Kunshan University Program

The Duke University MMS Kunshan program continues to expand, now offering a one-year (10 months) masters  in management studies degree, taught both on the...

Duke University MMS Program Placement Stats 2013

The Duke University MMS program just recently released their 2013 placement stats for the graduating class and they continue to impress. Duke has a...